#Dothe100DayProject adventures in comic-making
I’d heard about the 100 Day Project a while back—the idea was developed by Lindsay Jean Thomson as a tool for moving forward on creative projects or practicing a new creative skill. I liked the idea of it but have an intense day job that regularly means 45-50 hour work weeks, so have been hesitant to take it on. But I’ve been studying and practicing how to draw comics (See Lynda Barry’s Making Comics and Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics for two great inspirations as well as Alec Longstreth’s class on Autobiographical Comics on Domestika for lots of practical advice) and I decided that maybe making one panel a day might be a doable goal. Of course, within days I realized that while it was a doable goal, it was still totally overwhelming. The terror of the blank page and empty mind. LOL. Anyway, thanks to brainstorming with a friend and the realization that I should iterate around a theme, I got over that early hurdle. I still don’t know if I’ll make it through the 100 Days but I’m gonna ride these crow wings as long as they will carry me. ;) See the Comics tab for the full run of Crow Comics.